Sunday, 17 October 2010

208 days left - Sunday 17th of October 2010

10 weeks and 2 days of pregnancy. Back again after a really horrible week. Eva has been really, really bad, worse than ever with feeling of sickness and heartburn. Thursday night was a torment, partly because Eva was really exhausted after 4-5 nights virtually without sleep (eventhough she has been sleeping during the day). The feeling of sickness sets in at around 19:00 and then she has to eat every hour until 24:00. She feels really bad until 04:00-05:00 in the morning.

So if we finally could enjoy the pregnancy a bit and talk to the belly and caress it two weeks ago, this week all focus has been on the feeling of sickness again. Many people say "Enjoy the pregnancy" but seriously, how the hell can you enjoy something like this?! This doesn´t seem to be a pregnancy, it seems more like a bad illness. We would enjoy the flu more than this...

According to our book - "The Day-by-Day Pregnancy Book" (Dorling Kindersley 2009), the baby is now not any longer an embryon but a foetus. Supposedly it has grown A LOT in just two weeks. On the 4th of October the baby was 17,9 mm, now it is supposed to be around 40 mm (according to the book).The placenta is fully developed.

New weight for Eva today: 65.8 kg (up just 300 grams)

12 days to go for 12 weeks/3 months, time is passing slooooooowly....

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