Monday, 21 March 2011

32 weeks / 8 months: Friday 18th of March 2011 (59 days left)

 Friday 18th of March 2011: 32 weeks / 8 months today!! 221 days of pregnancy and 59 days left!

Eight months today! One could think it´s only 1 month left but no, there are more than two months left. A pregnancy is about 10 lunar months (28 days x 10 = 280 days).

Eva is becoming really heavy and she has a really hard time moving around. The baby is moving a lot, eventhough she has less and less space inside the belly. The baby should be weighing some 2.1 kg now (growing 200 grams per week). The baby is particularly active when mummy eats strawberries!

She has hickups virtually every day, both when she is hungry and when she has eaten. She seems to be like her father who also easily gets hickup...

Finally some nice weather with sunshine and warm winds after another 10 days in a row with rain and cold.

Some photos from today (Friday 18th of March) below!

Eva en la Parque Montefuerte

Orange tree in blossom!

La Torre del Oro

Prenatal course at CEMAR (# 2) - 17/03/2011

Thursday 17th of March 2011: 220 days of pregnany; 60 days left

Eva have decided to go on with the prenatal course at CEMAR as well, alongside with the course at our hospital ViaMed. Knowledge does not occupy space...

Today she went with her mother and they had a practical course with breathing exercises. Unfortunately I could not go since I had too much work.

Prenatal education at ViaMed (15/03/2011)

Tuesday 15th of March: 218 days of pregnancy; 62 days left

Today we started another prenatal education course at ViaMed. We were not too happy with the other one (at CEMAR) since it´s general for all hospitals, both public and private. The course we started today is of course completely adapted to the actual hospital were we will give birth and the the information is therefore much more specific. In other words, they tell you how things are done at THIS hospital.

Great course about the delivery and it´s phases!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Sunday 6th of March 2011: New weight

209 days of pregnancy: 71 days left

Update on our weights:

Eva = 75.2 kg
Christer = 99.8 kg


Friday 4th of March 2011: 30 weeks

Today 30 weeks of pregnancy (207 days): 73 days to go to the 16th of May....

Eva is now uncomfortable in all positions: standing, sitting or laying down. The baby is also putting her feet under the ribs sometimes, not a very nice experience according to Eva. The baby is also hyperactive most of the days, kicking and boxing like crazy. And now we can easily see the belly move!


Prenatal education (Wednesday 2nd of March)

205 days of pregnancy: 75 days left

Today we started the prenatal education (curso de preparaciĆ³n al parto) in CEMAR, Los Remedios.

We started with a basic theory course and it was OK, some new information but generally pretty basic. We are not too happy to be "forced" to do this course in any other place than ViaMed, the hospital where we will give birth. The problem (if you can call this a problem) is that the other hospital is too new and our private insurance does not cover the course at the hospital yet. We have been fighting for one month already to be able to do the course at the hospital and in the end we have had to fill out the complaints book at the Sanitas head office. In Spain the only way to get things done is to file complaints, threaten and scream and shout. It´s a pitty but this is the way it works. We would really like to avoid paying the course, we already pay a fortune for the private insurance.

Let´s see if we can resolve things next week!

Wednesday 2nd of March 2011: New appointment at the gynaecologist (75 days left)

Wednesday 2nd of March 2011: 75 days left

Today we had a new appointment with our gynaecologist Elisa. New ultrasound and Amelia is just fine. Today she weighs 1.7 kg!! Heartbeat is OK and everything else as well. The baby is now completely developed and will now only put on weight, some 200 grams per week!

Amelia is still 1 week ahead of her time and has got loooong legs.

Eva got a bit dizzy during the ultrasound due to the fact that the placenta cuts the blood supply in certain positions.

Next appointment: 23rd of March