Monday, 16 May 2011

Sugerencia para un regalo

Hola todos!

Si alguien quiere comprar un regalo tenemos una sugerencia: una almohada de lactancia como este:

Hay miles de formas pero creemos que este es el mejor. Nos vamos dando cuenta de las cosas que faltan.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Exhausted but happy...

Supposedly this is the moment when I should be most active on the blog. But I´m afraid there is no time to write... We went of to a flying start as parents and slept some 17 hours during the first 4 days. Eva probably less. Amelia is not a troublesome child but we have so little experience and worry about everything. And then it´s hard to sleep.

We are exhausted but happy, Amelia is so cute that it hurts! We can´t stop looking at her!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Lista de nacimiento, de nuevo

Si queréis hacer algún regalo, allá van algunas ideas (je je je!) Mira que hemos comprado mil y una cosa pero siempre parece que falta algo verdad? Ya sabemos que las niñas necesitan mil accesorios...

1. Vigilabebés (lo hemos pedido a los abuelos suecos)


2. Humidificador (todavía no tenemos claro si realmente es necesario...)

3. Osito para dormir "Prince Lionheart"


4. Cojín antivuelco (de este tipo),-luces-Nocturnas-y-regalos/Cojin-anti-vuelco--sonidos-hippo.html


5. Mochila portabebé Babybjörn Air 
Mejor que sea del modelo Air, va a hacer mucho calor...

COGIDO YA (los titos suecos)

6. Nube musical con conexión MP3 (moderno, moderno...)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Amelia decided to pop out 6 days earlier, on Monday 9th of May. In the end by caesarian but everything went well.

We are so incredibly happy! First photos!

Feria de Abril 2011

Amelia was kind enough to let us celebrate the famous April Fair. Nice as usual! Some pics:

Monday, 2 May 2011

2nd of May 2011 - Lunes de pescaito

266 days of pregnancy / 14 days left

Today La Feria de Abril starts. Lunes de pescaito! Will not go down though. 00:00 is too late and the weather is bad, looks like it´s going to rain.

Christer with elfs in the centre of Seville - 2nd of May 2011

Eva - 2nd of May 2011

30th of April 2011: First false alarm...

After being out all day we decided to go to the hospital at 01:00 at night. Eva had felt very little movements during the day and we were also worried about the level of the amniotic fluid.

Eva was put in the monitor and everything was just fine. No problem with the amniotic fluid either and it was a false alarm. But we were brilliantly attended at the hospital, they are really great!

Little time left and we are getting increasingly nervous... Think we will make more trips to the hospital during the last 2 weeks...

Autobus para llegar al hospital

Pueden ir en autobus al hospital, cuando llegue el momento. Coger autobus 37 en El Prado de San Sebastian.

Hospital Viamed Santa Ángela de la Cruz
Avda. de Jerez, 59, 41014 Sevilla - linea de autobús 37 
Tel: 954 032 000 · Fax: 954 032 001 ·